HSR2018: Join a session on how to design and operationalize sustainable systems to learn, adapt and scale-up quality of care for maternal and newborn health

Added on :1 October 2018

By:Quality of Care Network secretariat

The Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal Newborn and Child Health and the World Health Organization are organizing a session during the 5thGlobal Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2018) on ‘How to design and operationalize sustainable systems to learn, adapt and scale-up quality of care for maternal and newborn health’.

The purpose of this session is for participants to learn how to use the different approaches that have been used in the ten Quality of Care Network countries to build quality of care programs, including designing equitable national-level quality of care programs, operationalizing quality of care programs at sub-national and facility level and operationalizing a functional learning system.

The session is intended for health system leaders from low- and middle-income countries, health care managers and other public health professionals with an interest in quality and equity.

See the program of the session

Read more on HSR2018
