Defining institutional arrangements when linking financing to quality in health care

Added on :16 September 2018

By:Quality of Care Network secretariat

Join  a webinar organized by USAID and Health Finance & Governance  to discuss lessons learned on how and why countries should link health financing to quality and emerging best practices on steps countries are taking to improve institutional arrangements that strengthen these links.

Wednesday, September 19th at 9:00 am EST, 1-2 pm GMT


As countries work towards achieving universal health coverage (UHC), maintaining and improving quality of care remains a major priority. Payers are key actors in health governance structures and have powerful tools at their disposal to influence quality. Strengthening the roles and clarifying the responsibilities of the payer(s) and improving their collaboration with other quality stakeholders is critical to maximizing this role. 

Panelists -

  • Dr. Shams SyedQuality Systems and Resilience Unit Coordinator, World Health Organization
  • Dr. Adam KoonHealth Policy Specialist, Health Finance and Governance project
  • Irina GubanHealth Specialist, World Bank, Moldova 

Moderator:  Altea CicoHealth Financing Specialist, Health Finance and Governance project
