Wednesday 17 May, 2017 3.00 pm CEST, 9.00 am EST (duration: 1 hour)
The Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal and Newborn Health (Quality of Care Network), is organizing a webinar on ‘Point of care quality improvement for maternal and newborn health – Step 2: Analysing the problem and measuring quality of care’.
The speaker will present diagnostic tools to identify the root causes of problems identified by the Quality Improvement teams in health facilities, and explain how the teams can develop indicators to measure progress in solving se problems.
The webinar will introduce participants to:
· Tools for understanding processes and systems and how to use them
· How using these tools can help identify possible solutions to reach your aim
· How to choose indicators for process and outcome
· How to use these indicators to track progress of improvement
The presentation will be followed a Q & A session.
Presenter: Dr Pierre M. Barker, MD, MBChB, Chief Global Partnerships and Programs Officer at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
Who should join: Health practitioners and managers.
This is the third webinar in a series on capacity building for improving quality of care in health facilities. See here details of the first and second webinars.
The Quality of Care Network brings together countries and implementing partners to deliver the vision that “Every mother and newborn receives quality care throughout the pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal periods”. The Quality of Care Network is led by nine countries (Bangladesh, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda), and supports the implementation of national plans for quality improvement. Its Learning Platform is building a community of health practitioners across all levels of service delivery, to harvest local implementation ideas and share experiences within and across countries.
(Photo: Women hold their babies in the paediatric unit of the regional hospital in Zanzibar, Tanzania in April 2014 ©UNICEF/Holt)