Launch of the WHO, UNICEF & JICA guide on strengthening implementation of home-based records for MNH

Added on : 20 April 2023

By: Quality of Care Network Secretariat

Thursday, 20 April 2023

8am New York, 2pm Geneva, 9pm Tokyo

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Join WHO, UNICEF and JICA on April 20, 2023 for the official launch of the guide on strengthening implementation of home-based records for maternal, newborn and child health to learn how to use the guide to establish milestones to track progress against eight factors for successful implementation of home-based records and hear about country implementation experiences.

Read more about this webinar

This webinar is hosted by WHO, UNICEF and JICA, with the support of the Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and the Quality of Care subgroup of the Child Health Task Force.
