What Women Want August challenge: zoom in on youth

Added on :16 August 2018

By:Quality of Care Network secretariat

Throughout August, What Women Want, a global advocacy campaign to improve quality maternal and reproductive healthcare for women and girls and strengthen health systems is centering its focus on young women and girls, aged 15-35, to ensure that our advocacy agenda reflects the range of #WhatWomenWant from reproductive and maternal healthcare services over a lifetime.

 The youth-led organization that posts the most photos by the end of the month will win the opportunity to work with two short-term consultants to grow their resource mobilization and organizational branding efforts. The individual young person (15-35) who posts the most photos will win a smartphone! Both the winning youth-led organization and individual mobilizer will receive a spotlight profile in the WWW report launched in 2019.  

It’s super easy to participate. Ask to take a photo of a woman or girl or encourage her to take a selfie of herself holding up her completed What Woman Want sign. Visit www.whatwomenwant.org to download signs in multiple languages, consent forms and related social media messaging.  Make sure to post or encourage women and girls to post their photos to social media using #WhatWomenWant and tagging one of the below What Women Want social media profiles.

• Facebook: @whatwomenwant2018

• Twitter: @whatwomenwantHC

• Instagram: @whatwomenwant2018
