Have your say to strengthen quality midwifery education!

Added on :3 April 2019

By:Quality of Care Network secretariat

WHO, ICM, UNFPA and UNICEF have prepared a Draft Report and Action Plan:

Strengthening quality midwifery education for Universal Health Coverage 2030: A transformative approach to improve the quality of care.  

 Help us to finalize this working draft from which a final concise document will be completed. 

To do this, please complete the global online consultation by Friday April  5 

 Have your voices heard! 

  • Check out the evidence, let us know what is missing
  • Find out what the global consultations have prioritized for action. 
  • Do you think the new 7-Step Action Plan addresses the key activities needed? 
  • Tell us how YOU will make this happen, and what you want others to do to help make this happen.


Your inputs will be part of a concise and impactful Report and Action Plan for launch at the World Health Assembly in 2019. 

Photo: Rebecca Kiiza, enrolled midwife at Muchwini Health Centre III, Uganda, examines a pregnant woman during her routine antenatal care visit to a health facility, in June 2016. ©UNICEF/Bongyereirwe
