Findings from Nigeria on engaging the private sector for quality MNCH care

The Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria shared their findings and next steps on engaging the private sector for quality MNCH care in this webinar.

The Quality of Care Network in partnership with WHO is exploring mechanisms for engaging the private sector in delivering maternal and newborn health services with quality. Beginning with scoping exercises in Bangladesh, Ghana and Nigeria, the exploratory project is documenting the lessons from private sector delivery of quality health. The project objectives are to:

1. Analyze the drivers and the current engagement of the private sector to deliver quality maternal and newborn health services;

2. Identify opportunities for involving the private sector in working within the national health system to deliver quality maternal and newborn health services; and

3. Propose models for effective engagement of the private sector within the national health system for implementing quality maternal and newborn health services.

This webinar was part of a series that has been sharing the experience and lessons from Ghana, Nigeria and Bangladesh. This was the sixth webinar in a series on ‘Engaging the private sector for quality maternal, newborn and child health care’, co-hosted by the Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and the World Health Organization.

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  • speakers
    Ms Anna Cocozza, Technical Officer, UHC and Health Systems Law, System’s Governance and Policy Unit, WHO GenevaDr Binyerem Ukaire, Director and Head of Nutrition Divison, Federal Ministry of Health, NigeriaDr Olumuyiwa Ojo, Technical Officer, Family and Reproductive Health, WHO NigeriaDr Blerta Maliqi, Team Lead, Policy Strategy and Programmes, Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health, and Ageing, WHO Geneva