Country experience and launch of WHO’ Knowledge Brief on QoC and MPDSR

This webinar launched the Knowledge Brief 'Implementation of Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response as part of Quality of Care efforts for Maternal and Newborn Health: Considerations for synergy and alignment'.

The webinar included a presentation on the content of the new Knowledge Brief presenting MPDSR as a key intervention to support the delivery of quality care to strengthen national healthcare systems. The Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria presented their experience in implementing the MPDSR system as part of the quality improvement process and on how integration has been created with the maternal and perinatal death review and response system at national and local level.

Session plan:

Introduction: Ms Francesca Palestra, Technical Officer, Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing, WHO Geneva

Part 1: Nigeria’s experience in integrating MPDSR and QoC: Dr Samuel Oyeniyi, Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria

Questions & Answers: Facilitated by Dr Nancy Kidula (WHO AFRO), Dr Muna Abdullah (UNFPA ESARO) and Fatima Gohar (UNICEF ESARO)

Part 2: Introduction and launch of WHO’s Knowledge Brief on Implementation of MPDSR as a strategy to achieve Quality of Care for Maternal and Newborn Health: Considerations for synergy and alignment: Dr Blerta Maliqi, WHO Geneva

Questions & Answers: Facilitated by Dr Nancy Kidula, Dr Muna Abdullah and Fatima Gohar

Closing remarks: Ms Francesca Palestra, WHO Geneva

This webinar was hosted by the Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing, WHO Geneva and the Network for Improving the Quality of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.

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  • speakers
    Dr Samuel Oyeniyi, Head Safe Motherhood Branch, Head RMNCAEH+N Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, Reproductive Health Division, Department of Family Health, Federal Ministry of Health, NigeriaDr Nancy Kidula, Medical Officer, Reproductive and Women's Health, WHO Regional Office for Africa/ Multicountry Assistance TeamsDr Muna Abdullah, Health System Specialist, UNFPA Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office Fatima Gohar, Maternal and Newborn Health Specialist, UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional OfficeDr Blerta Maliqi, Team Lead, Policy Strategy and Programmes, Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health, and Ageing, WHO Geneva