Final webinar in a series on ‘Delivering quality essential maternal, newborn and child health services during COVID-19’

Disruptions in care seeking and access to quality health care for children at primary health facilities and in communities increase children’s risk of severe illness and death. How do countries ensure safe continuation of child health services during COVID-19? How were case management algorithms and patient flow adapted and re-organized, infection control measures implemented, PPE and uninterrupted supplies ensured? How were children screened for COVID-19 while continuing routine case management for common childhood illnesses? Did approaches differ based on local transmission of COVID-19?

This webinar shared practical examples and experiences on how two countries, Uganda and Senegal, adapted and implemented changes in integrated community case management (iCCM) and Integrated Management of newborn and childhood illness (IMNCI) to provide continued quality care for young children.

Part of a series on ‘Delivering quality essential maternal, newborn and child health services during COVID-19’, co-hosted by the Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and the QoC subgroup of the Child Health Task Force.

See the whole series

© UNICEF/UNI279454/Modola

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  • speakers
    Tamar Chitashvili, Technical Director for MNH, Corus International; MNH team lead for the USAID MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience ProjectDr. Amadou Doucouré, Director of Maternal and Child Health Department, Ministry of Health and Social Action, Senegal Dr. Aissatou Diop, Head of the Child Survival Division, Maternal and Child Health Department, Ministry of Health and Social Action, Senegal Dr. Amutuhaire Maureen, National ICCM Coordinator, Malaria Control Program, Ministry of Health, UgandaDr. Flavia Mpanga, Acting RMNCAH Manager, UNICEF Uganda Country office