Lessons from implementing and scaling up quality of care for maternal and newborn health

In May 2022, Uganda hosted its first national Maternal, Newborn Health Quality of Care Forum to discuss progress and share examples and experiences of implementing Quality Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. This webinar documented and shared positive experiences, challenges, practical solutions and lessons learned by Uganda in implementing and scaling up quality of care for MNH. This session provided an opportunity for exchange between policy makers, managers and providers at national level, as well as among Network countries and with broader partners.

This webinar was hosted by the Network for Improving the Quality of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, with the support of the World Health Organization.

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  • speakers
    Dr Elizabeth Namagala, Quality Improvement Advisor, Ministry of Health, UgandaDr Martin Ssendyona, Acting Commissioner, Standard, Compliance, Accreditation and Patient Protection (SCAPP) Department, Ministry of Health, Uganda