Recording and materials from the 4th webinar on point of care quality improvement - Step 3: Developing and testing changes

Added on :16 June 2017

By:Quality of Care Network secretariat

The Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (Quality of Care Network) held a webinar on ‘Point of care quality improvement for maternal and newborn health – Step 3: Developing and testing changes’ on 15 June.

Listen to the recording of the session

Dr Esther Karamagi, from University Research Co., LLC presented the work of a quality improvement team in a facility in Western Uganda to improve the use of partograph as a monitoring tool during labour. Sr Mary Atim, Nursing Officer in charge of the maternity ward in Anaka Hospital in Northern Uganda, described her experience using quality improvement methods to make partpgraphs more and better used in the hospital.

See their presentation here

This is the 4th webinar in a series on point of care quality improvement. Read more about the series and access the materials from previous webinars here.

(Photo: In April 2013 in Nigeria, a woman holds her infant at Father Matthias Health Care Centre in the town of Naka, in Gwer West, a Local Government Area of Benue State. She is awaiting vaccination and growth monitoring for her child. ©UNICEF/Esiebo)
