From quality assurance to quality improvement in primary health care facilities

Dr Talhiya Yahya introduced Tanzania's Star Rating System and how it support the country's efforts to improve quality of care. Dr Roder-DeWan, UNICEF, shared the main lessons on how the system fostered learning in primary health care facilities and how it fared as a quality assessment tool. Nana Mensah Abrampah, World Health Organization, discussed the link between quality assurance and quality improvement and addressed the imperative of maintaining quality essential health services during the COVID19 outbreak. 

See their presentations, as well as a paper published on the Star Rating System,  in the right hand menu. Listen to the recording here.

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  • speakers
    Dr Talhiya Yahya, Coordinator for Quality Management in Tanzania’s Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and ChildrenDr Sanam Roder-DeWan, Health Specialist with UNICEF Tanzania Nana A. Mensah Abrampah, Technical Officer in the Department of Integrated Health Services, WHO